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Radio Free Oz: Garden Gnomes On Parade: Week Of 5-16-2011
Mon, 16 May 2011 11:30:53

Garden Gnomes On Parade: Week Of 5-16-2011

David and I kick things off with a review of the GOP presidential candidates, including the official newbies-Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul. Gingrich's entry inspired this:

Newt's throwing his hat in the ring.
What could prompt him to do such a thing?
Imagine the stink
When they open Newt Inc.
And the two wives he screwed start to sing.

Ron Paul's entrance made us speculate on his platform. He wants to legalize heroin and get rid of Medicare. Makes sense. When people get really sick and have no Medicare, they can shoot up and feel real good.

We learn that the CIA partially heats their buildings by stoking their boiler with shredded documents; Trump, that bald hustler, has taken time out from defending himself against 300 lawsuits to inform us that Barack Obama is not Ivy League material and Al Qaida has a new secret weapons in their American born number two, Anwar al-Awlaki. His name is impossible to pronounce. Try it; by the time you get it right, he's made his escape.

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