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Radio Free Oz: Dreaming Through A Flat Screen Darkly: Week Of 8-1-2011
Mon, 01 Aug 2011 11:30:42

Dreaming Through A Flat Screen Darkly: Week Of 8-1-2011

David and I really go after the bullshit that's going down in Washington.

It's one continual rant that won't stop until we find a way out of this crisis.

Turn Off Your TV
Stop blaming Obama for the mess
Contemplate that he's negotiating with terrorists who will gladly let this country collapse if they don't fulfill their God-given mission

Josh Woodward sings his new ballad The Handyman's Lament.

David takes us out with a touch of Tang. Li Ho's Sixth Moon poem.

Keep the faith. It's the glue that keeps us together.

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