Radio Free Oz
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Podcast: RFO - 5/28/2012 - Radio Free Booze (An RFO Homage)
Mon, 28 May 2012 12:16:28

We had planned to take a podcast break for Memorial Day, but instead we decided to digress a bit with this homage from the fall of 2010.

Cat Simril Ishikawa was the writer and instigator of this homage, Doc T. handled the production end and both provided voice work, along with friends and associates (Elayne Riggs, Jason Bestor, Mark & Janet Vollenweider). This homage is specific to the "Peter & David" 2010/11 era Radio Free Oz podcasts. There are a number of Canada-centric references in this homage, in case you are curious.

Tomorrow we will return to podcasting Peter and Firesign archival material for RFO.

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