Radio Free Oz
Archive Pages

Spam Poem - 8/21/2012
Wed, 22 Aug 2012 02:54:30

(An occasional series of spam poems, gleaned from the spam we get sent to us in the form of comments on the RFO podcasts. The spam never has anything to do with the podcasts; we just find the odd phrasings and combinations of words to be a form of poetry in and of itself.)

Henry Street
(called Sound Road at the town’s inception)
was named in honour of his son.
Great for the arts
particularly film and music
but also healing
getting involved in charitable work
and, concerning life-path,
putting ego on one side
to further good causes
or simply put your energies
into a labour of love.
leave the dried flower stalks
of these clay-loving plants
in place all winter long.

- by rifatovumy

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